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Orenburg shawl - knitted from natural goat's wool, which are grazed in the Orenburg region. Orenburg shawl, also commonly known as Tula samovar, dolls, Khokhloma Vologda lace. Popularity comes with time, the history of knitting Orenburg downy shawls goes back more than 250 years.

Even before the formation of the Orenburg province, the residents of the area famous for skilled knitters and quality down products. Ever since merchants do not miss the opportunity to call in the Orenburg province, in order to buy a real Orenburg shawl, as he enjoyed remarkable demand in it possesses excellent properties that are so necessary in the harsh Russian winter.

Interest in Orenburg downy shawls exhibit not only end buyers, not just brokers, but also scientists. The first studies of the inherent positive qualities only Orenburg downy shawls began 200 years ago. Pioneers in the field of detailed study were PI Rychkov and PP Baking. All scholars agree that the most warm and soft down products can be purchased only in the Orenburg region.

Rapid development and export of Orenburg shawl began in 1770, after AD Rychkova won the gold medal "in gratitude for their hard work to the public collecting products from goat's wool." Orenburg shawl is well-known not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also it is popular abroad. Conquest of foreign countries and active purchase Orenburg downy shawls started after getting high marks and medals at the London Exhibition in 1862.

Substantially all of the popularity of the Orenburg downy shawls obliged Orenburg goats. That they have thick fluff - 16-18 microns, for example in Angora goats (mohair) - 22-24 microns. Due to such a thickness down products are obtained, namely, scarves, webs, shawls, ponchos and mittens, and others. Turn out very soft and gentle. This is due to the fact that the goat grows in a climate of Orenburg, severe winters and storms, food, thereby obtained to achieve such small indicators thickness down.

Incidentally it is worth mentioning that the Orenburg down stronger wool. Knowing about the amazing properties of down Orenburg goats, the French have taken the goats to his homeland, but because of the climate of their attempt was unsuccessful, as later generations of goats have become a usual with coarse down. Therefore, at the present time, other countries in a large number of buy down Orenburg goats.

Orenburg downy handmade knitted from yarn Suchen. Needlewoman spin the thread of the goat down and napryadayut it on a silk thread. Down products made using this technology initially does not look fluffy, but over time it becomes more thick and fluffy. All Orenburg downy products have remarkable durability.

Each Orenburg shawl is an original and one of a kind, this is achieved through manual operation, each scarf is a work of art and its creation takes weeks. The most famous mistress - puhvotsnitsa - Maginur Abdulovna Khusainova out with. Sakmara. Work made it stored in museums of Russia, Japan and Malaysia.

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