Chess is the most popular board game of all time. That chess gracefully combine elements of art, science and sports. The name comes from the Persian culture, "Shah" in Persian king, and "mat" translated died.
The history of public games Chess originated about 500 years BC. In a first-class form, the game was different from the modern game of chess and was called "Chaturanga".
Backgammon, in other countries you can hear another name, such as backgammon, bekgemmon, Tavla Shesh-Besh or - a board game for two players, which takes place on a special board, which is divided into two parts, the division of the similarity of chess with only the inner side of the board where you would normally hold pieces for the game.
Backgammon game, which originated in the east. accurate country-birthplace is unknown, but there is overwhelming evidence that people play it for over 5,000 years. Boards from the board game backgammon were found in Iran and dated 3000 BC, also like to play board were found in Egypt, dated XV BC.
Orenburg shawl - knitted from natural goat's wool, which are grazed in the Orenburg region. Orenburg shawl, also commonly known as Tula samovar, dolls, Khokhloma Vologda lace. Popularity comes with time, the history of knitting Orenburg downy shawls goes back more than 250 years.
Even before the formation of the Orenburg province, the residents of the area famous for skilled knitters and quality down products. Ever since merchants do not miss the opportunity to call in the Orenburg province, in order to buy a real Orenburg shawl, as he enjoyed remarkable demand in it possesses excellent properties that are so necessary in the harsh Russian winter.