We can buy Handmade Backgammon
Backgammon, in other countries you can hear another name, such as backgammon, bekgemmon, Tavla Shesh-Besh or - a board game for two players, which takes place on a special board, which is divided into two parts, the division of the similarity of chess with only the inner side of the board where you would normally hold pieces for the game.
Backgammon game, which originated in the east. accurate country-birthplace is unknown, but there is overwhelming evidence that people play it for over 5,000 years. Boards from the board game backgammon were found in Iran and dated 3000 BC, also like to play board were found in Egypt, dated XV BC.
In one of the legends told about the origin of the game called Backgammon. Once the Indians wanting to test ingenuity and resourcefulness of their opponents Persians, sent them a gift of the game of chess, so they figured out how to play it. Persians easily coped with the task and in retaliation invented a game of Backgammon, which was sent back to the Indians, to those now try his luck in the unraveling of the new game, the secret of which was unraveled only after 12 years.
Long ago in the Persian state at the turn of the third millennium BC, the game of backgammon was of not only entertaining, but also quite symbolic and mystical character. Local astrologers predicted many things associated with a variety of themes. Board game Backgammon likened to the sky, and the movement of chips in a circle - the movement of the stars. Each half of the board consists of 12 marks for the chips, which was likened to 12 month of the year. A division of the board into 4 pieces, symbolizing the seasons and so on.
Gradually, the game became popular among the common people, and later merchants began to buy large quantities of backgammon, for presenting as gifts to those in power. Local craftsmen in the early invention of the game perfectly earned on the sale of backgammon, but later began to produce everywhere.
Highest peak buying board game backgammon fell on the return of the Crusaders from hiking in the twelfth century. The game became very popular in Europe and at the time was called "backgammon" is most likely the name for the game was taken from the consonance with the impact on the game board bones. In the Middle Ages buy backgammon basically know and the highest aristocracy, this game was the province and privilege of the elite, so to speak for the game of kings.
There is a set of rules for the game of backgammon, short or long, and other varieties. To date, the game has become very popular and is a great alternative for chess. Light and casual game provides a good and having fun.
In our online store, you can buy handmade backgammon on such boards with these chips and Zerika playing pleasure. Pleasant tactile feeling of noble wood and stone, the smell and the sound quality wood cubes - will give the game a lot of extra pleasant experiences.